Adverb of Affirmation or Negation

Concept Explanation

Adverb of Affirmation or Negation

Adverb Of Affirmation or Negation: They express confirmation or negation of an action. Some examples are positively, certainly, absolutely, surely, definitely, not.

For example: He will definitely come to the office

Here definitely expresses confirmation of the action coming to the office. So definitely is adverb of affirmation.

  • We will reach Delhi by 8 a.m. positively.
  • He is not willing to attend the workshop.
  • Suresh will surely complete the assignment on time.
  • Adverb of affirmation and negation    Certainly, apparently, obviously, no, undoubtedly.

    Negative adverbs  should not be used with the words negative in meaning. So, two negatives should be avoided.

    'Seldom nowhere, never, nothing, hardly, scarcely, neither, barely, rarely' are some of the adverbs expressing negative meaning.   For example

  • I rarely went to meet nobody across the road.       (Use 'anybody' in place of 'nobody')
  • She hardly knows nothing about the family.           (Use 'anything' in place of 'nothing')
  • I hardly know somenody in the town.                    (Say 'anybody' in place of 'somebody')
  • He does nothing without never consulting me.        (Use 'ever' for never')
  • They do not seldom come here.                            (Remove ' do not')
  • This will not help him, nothing never does.             (Use 'ever' for 'never')
  • He does not write well and I do not write neither.     (Say 'either')
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Fill in the blank

    I _________ talk to him this way.

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Fill in the blank with affirmative adverb :

    He will ____give you money.

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

     Fill the blank part with correct form of Adverb .

    1. Raj ____________ states her concern.

    2. The brothers _____________ ever meet each other.

    3. He _______________ did the correct thing.

    Right Option : C
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